Sunday, October 21, 2012

Whistle While We Work...

Wedding, Wedding, House Hunting, Work.
Wedding, Wedding, House Hunting, Work.
Wedding, Wedding, House Hunting, Work.

This is what the inside of my brain looked like the past few days. I've been so busy trying to juggle everything that my mind was about to give up. Today, however I took a bit of a me only day. I went out for breakfast with Ben at our favourite place (the Wooden Shoe), went and got my hair done (nothing exciting, just a bit of a trim) and had my nails done too. It was nice so far. Tonight, I plan on sitting my butt on the couch with my man and catching up on all the tv shows I missed during this busy week... which is a lot... want a list?

-Downton Abby (tonight)
-Gossip Girl
-Vampire Diaries
-Once Upon A Time (also tonight)
-New Girl (there wasn't one this week)
-Parenthood (this either)

I watch plenty of others too but they're not on right now. Anyhoo... I unfortunately have no outfit post for you tonight... I'll try to catch up by tomorrow, I really will.

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